Get answers from internet users on a wide range of topics from pop culture, technology, personal preferences, food and other interests. internet users are given 2 options. Do you follow the majority or is there an even split between the 2 options.

QuestionOption 1Option 1 PercentageOption 2Option 2 Percentage
Raining threes vs. the long ball — which sport are you more into?Basketball79%Baseball21%
Do you enjoy jazz music?Absolutely79%Not so much21%
What’s more your speed?Jogging69%Walking31%
Which refreshing beverage do you like to sip?Tea78%Lemonade22%
Which of these female novelists do you prefer?Emily Bronte77%Jane Austen23%
Which guitar-playing Jim was more innovative?Jimi Hendrix88%Jimmy Page12%
Which April-born actor makes a better offbeat superhero?Ron Perlman as Hellboy78%Paul Rudd as Ant-Man22%
Which shape do you prefer in your bowl of cereal?Ooodles of Os72%Flakes forever28%
There’s no such thing as too much garlic.Oh yes there is80%Pile it on20%
The Godfather Part II was better than the first film.
Very much so. Very much.
58%You’re breaking my heart42%
If it’s not black, it’s not licorice.So true57%No way, red is great33%
Karaoke is awesome.Sign me up68%Not interested32%
Is watching a movie in a theater better than at home?Theaters are special81%Home is better19%
Do you have any vinyl records?Yes75%No25%
Which Bethesda video game series do you like more?Fallout81%Elder Scrolls19%
Vacation to the stars? Would you ever travel to space?Blast off!79%I’m staying on Earth21%
It’s peanut butter jelly time, but on what?White bread82%Wheat bread18%
Which April-born martial artist would you rather have as your bodyguard’s?Jet Li73%Jackie Chan27%
Give this a spin: do you own any vinyl records?Yes76%No24%
Which of these reading options do you prefer?Physical books86%E-books14%
Which April-born singer’s voice moves you?Billie Holiday75%Marvin Gaye25%
Do you believe first contact with aliens will happen in your lifetime?Definitely72%No way28%
On a health kick? Which veggie stick gets your pick?Celery sticks73%Carrot sticks27%
Time to settle this: which is the best weapon in Halo 2?Battle rifle79%Energy Sword
Snowboarding requires more skill than skiing.Obviously82%As if18%
Parks and Recreation is a funnier television show than The Office.Thank you, yes75%Not a chance25%
Caramel has three syllables.
No way, only two


Say it with me: car-a-mel

Oxford commas are useful and necessary.Yes, yes, and yes87%Nope, avoid at all costs13%
These composers helped define the sound of cinema, but who’s your favorite?John Williams
James Horner15%
Be honest: did you get pranked on April Fool’s Day?No85%Yes15%
Table of questions and answers from the Microsoft reward polls