Does offer price adjustments?

Temu’s Price Adjustment Policy applies to items purchased from our store. If the list price of an item you bought is reduced within 30 days of purchase, Temu will refund you the price difference. Applying for a price adjustment will not affect the shipment of your order, and you can do so before receiving your item(s). To request a price adjustment refund, go to ‘Your Orders,’ select the relevant order, and click on the ‘Request a price adjustment’ button.

Please note that certain items, such as those on clearance, promotions, or no longer available, may not be eligible for price adjustment. Temu reserves the right to interpret the final details of our price adjustment policy, modify the terms of this policy at any time, and deny any price adjustment at our discretion.

Does Temu offer free returns?

You can enjoy free returns for the first two items of every order! However, if you need to make additional returns from the same order, there may be shipping and handling fees involved.

As long as the item(s) are in their original condition, you are eligible for a full refund within 90 days of purchase.

Why do some coupons not apply on Temu orders?

There are instances when a coupon code may not apply to an order, and one of the reasons for this is that the coupon code is account-specific. Account-specific coupons are designed to be used exclusively by specific individuals or groups, often as part of personalized promotional offers or loyalty programs.

When a coupon code is account-specific, it means it has been tailored for a particular customer or a select group of customers. These codes are usually generated based on various factors such as purchasing history, preferences, or specific promotional campaigns targeting specific individuals.

Due to their personalized nature, account-specific coupon codes cannot be used by anyone other than the intended recipient(s). If you have received a coupon code as part of a personalized offer, it may not apply to your order if your account does not meet the criteria set for that particular promotion.

It’s important to note that account-specific coupon codes are intended to provide exclusive benefits to specific customers, rewarding their loyalty or engagement. While it may be disappointing if a code doesn’t apply to your Temu order, it ensures fairness and prevents misuse of personalized offers.

If you encounter a situation where a Temu coupon code doesn’t apply to your order, it’s advisable to review the terms and conditions of the promotion or contact customer support for further assistance. They will be able to provide more information about why the coupon code may not be applicable to your specific order. If a coupon doesn’t work, try another coupon or sit on the order until you are offered one.

What is the minimum order amount on

For subsequent orders, there is a minimum order of $20 to use coupons on the site. It varies on accounts, but if you want a discount you need to add more items to the cart.